Travel Deals and Specials l Hotel Vacation Discounts l Condominium Specials and Deals l Lodging Specials Join us on our journey. We love to travel, to explore our spectacular globe. To travel and to vacation is to discover interesting destinations, vibrant cultures, to immerse in nature – be it waterfront or mountain resorts, historic cities and sights, or remote pristine …
We at The Luxury Vacation Guide are always traveling, searching, exploring to find the most unique spectacular places on earth. We love adventure, discovering new cultures and travel destinations. We review the most popular and trending travel itineraries to steer you right. We critique world-renowned hotels and hot spots, and we unearth cool new islands, mountain retreats and resorts you’ve …
Do you travel or vacation? It’s a simple question… do you like to just chill? Or to adventure? To vacate is simply to change location, to vacate your home setting, change your scenery, to stop your routine, and get away to rest your mind and body in whatever pursuit, active or passive, that you choose. To eat with abandon, to drink …
New Chapter, travel and adventure is what life is about. “If happiness is the goal- and it should be – then adventure should be a top priority” – Richard Branson. Follow Heather & Greg Burke’s next chapter with The Luxury Vacation Guide.
1. Irish Scenery – The Emerald Isle is stunning, majestic mountains, dramatic rocky shores and cliffs dropping to the Atlantic along the west coast, to gorgeous lakes, bogs of heather and fields dotted with sheep, cattle and horses grazing amid brilliant wild flowers. Ireland is rugged but serene, timeless and natural with green valleys, purple mountains, sparkling stone, and blue …